Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

General, Page 18

Library instruction touches whole university

  Posted on: April 3, 2013

Information literacy is truly a cross-campus learning objective at TRU.   Since the start of September, the Library Instruction Program has provided library instruction for 4,189 students in 209 classes and workshops, up slightly from the 2011-12 academic year. TRU Library’s Instruction Program is based on a graduated structure, helping students develop research skills as…

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It’s back & hungry: Food for Fines

  Posted on: April 3, 2013

Got food to donate? That’s “fine” with the Library.   TRU Library’s annual Food for Fines campaign will run April 8 – 27. During this time, the Library will waive $2 in overdue fines for each non-perishable food item donated, up to a total of $20 in fines. All donations will go to the TRUSU…

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Banned books: good for the soul

  Posted on: February 26, 2013

Persecution of writers and censorship of their works is a practice as old as human history. Yet it’s a current practice, too. While academic libraries rarely face challenges, schools, bookstores and public libraries are regularly asked to remove books and magazines from their shelves. Sometimes challenges are dismissed; in other instances they’re successful and a…

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Think today’s scary? Wait for the zombies

  Posted on: February 19, 2013

As our civilization’s future grows “scarier by the minute,” zombies — lurching, brain-dead, hideous and hungry — have become contemporary culture’s preferred bête noire. They embody our dread of tomorrow, both in books and major motion pictures, Margaret Atwood told a packed TRU ballroom last week. Yet we’re hardly original in that respect. Throughout its…

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Librarians pan attack on academic freedom

  Posted on: February 18, 2013

By Kathy Gaynor   Thompson Rivers University Library is deeply disturbed by the action of Edwin Mellen Press and their attempts to infringe on the academic freedom of Dale Askey and McMaster University.  TRU Library strongly believes that freedom of research, thought, and expression are required for a healthy and democratic society.    Join us in…

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Now Playing: Canadian Culture

  Posted on: February 4, 2013

Your nation’s heritage is now showing on a screen near you – the screen in front of you, in fact. Note: The contest has concluded. TRU Library has launched a subscription to several decades’ worth of NFB films, including a number of Academy Award-winners. The 2,000-plus films are now ready for streaming on any computer….

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Read From the Pages of a Living “Book”

  Posted on: January 30, 2013

By Elizabeth Rennie, Instruction & Outreach Librarian People are often the most interesting stories. That’s why TRU Library is presenting “The Living Library: An Intercultural Exchange” as part of International Days. Based on the Human Library project, the Living Library (on Tuesday February 5th) lets people “borrow” another actual person, someone has volunteered to be…

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Trial database shows markets for Internet, beer, anything

  Posted on: January 17, 2013

Why not test-drive a fascinating new database containing all the beer in China? TRU Library has launched a trial of the Euromonitor Passport database, which houses a vast array of global market data, statistics and analysis. Passport allows researchers to drill down by product, region, country, company and brand to find out who’s consuming, producing…

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Holiday Closures

Mr. & Mrs. Fezziwig dancing at Fezziwig's Ball

  Posted on: December 14, 2012

Thompson Rivers University, including the TRU Library, will be closed for the holidays as of noon on Monday, December 24, 2012 and will reopen on Wednesday, January 2, 2013. Both Library locations will also be closed January 4 for staff training. The staff and faculty of the TRU Library wish you the best of the…

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Web Access Widens Nature’s Reach, Trims Library’s Costs

Cover of Nature

  Posted on: December 5, 2012

The TRU community has gained online, 24/7 access to some the world’s most prestigious scientific journals. The Library has switched its subscriptions to Nature, Nature Genetics and Nature Neuroscience from print to online versions in order to expand access — and reduce costs in the bargain. “This vastly increases access to important scientific literature for…

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