Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

General, Page 17

Open Access Week: UBC-O’s Peter Arthur to speak about the democratization of knowledge

Open Access Week 2013

  Posted on: October 15, 2013

Open Access Week: UBC-O’s Peter Arthur to speak about the democratization of knowledge As the price tag on access to scholarly research rises exponentially and post-secondary educators and libraries are increasingly, albeit ironically, priced out of the market, “open access” scholarly publishing models have gained widespread attention.  Free, online access to scholarly research could radically…

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Liaison Librarian Program

  Posted on: September 20, 2013

TRU Library is implementing a liaison librarian program to forge better communication between the library and the various academic departments at TRU and to help us meet the teaching, learning, and research needs of the TRU community. Goals of the Liaison Librarian Program: To work with faculty to ensure that the Library is meeting their…

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Harvard Business Review – license changes

Harvard Business Review

  Posted on: September 11, 2013

The Harvard Business Review (HBR) has recently made changes to its licensing provisions. Although there has always been a statement saying that you could not place HBR articles into e-reserves (i.e., Blackboard, Moodle, and online library reserves systems), the publisher has now taken technical steps to prevent this and is actively looking for infringements. In…

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Sharpened Pencils and New Notebooks: Signs of the New Year

  Posted on: August 27, 2013

The “New Year” starts in September, not January. This was the case back when “back to school” meant new crayons and a Muppets lunchbox, and it still feels that way now, as university faculty gearing up for the Fall semester. At the TRU Library, we’re busy getting ready for classes in all sorts of ways….

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TRU Library Welcomes New University Librarian

  Posted on: July 24, 2013

TRU Library is pleased to welcome Ms. Brenda Mathenia as the new University Librarian (chief administrator for the TRU Library). According to Dr. Ulrich Scheck, Chair of the University Librarian Search Committee, Ms. Mathenia has held many roles during her fifteen years working in academic libraries, including public service and instruction, collection development and management, facilities and…

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Seven new databases bring cultural history to life

  Posted on: April 30, 2013

Got a yen for medieval travel? How about a trip through mid-century Britain, 19th-century China, or the brutality of 18th-century slave markets?   You can experience these distant social landscapes almost first-hand via seven fascinating databases added to TRU Library’s online collection this month. The new research resources — of particular interest to scholars in…

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Catalogue has TRU student’s study of endangered caribou

  Posted on: April 23, 2013

Mountain caribou are not directly displaced by heli-skiing operations over the long term, suggests a TRU student’s thesis now in the Library’s catalogue.  The thesis by grad student Katharina Huebel, which is accessible online, is titled Assessing the impacts of heli-skiing on the behaviour and spatial distribution of mountain caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou). It was…

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Don’t sweat it: take a stress break

  Posted on: April 12, 2013

A five-minute stress break can refresh your mind and enhance its performance, while at the same time liberate your body from high blood pressure and headaches.  With that in mind, TRU Library is once again setting up a “Stress-Free Zone” for final exams. The “Zone” will run April 15 – 27 next to the House…

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Both libraries keep midnight hours for exams

  Posted on: April 8, 2013

Both the Main and House of Learning libraries will be open for study until midnight from Monday 15 April through Thursday 25 April. Midnight hours for the HOL Library will provide students with equitable access to science, law and nursing Reserve materials and will enable students to use the Library’s third-floor study space. “This means…

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Library instruction touches whole university

  Posted on: April 3, 2013

Information literacy is truly a cross-campus learning objective at TRU.   Since the start of September, the Library Instruction Program has provided library instruction for 4,189 students in 209 classes and workshops, up slightly from the 2011-12 academic year. TRU Library’s Instruction Program is based on a graduated structure, helping students develop research skills as…

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