Posted on: February 5, 2024

TRUSpace is TRU’s institutional repository. Visit TRUSpace to find all kinds of materials from TRU, including research papers, student theses, photos from TRU’s history, and more!
What is an institutional repository? An institutional repository (IR) is an online collection of the intellectual outputs of an institution, usually a university.
What can I find in TRUSpace? TRUSpace collects scholarly and creative materials created by the Thompson Rivers University community, as well as important documents related to the university’s history, which are made freely available to the public (Open Access).
Some major and growing collections in TRUSpace include:
• Faculty publications: research articles written by TRU faculty.
• Honours and Masters Theses: graduate and undergraduate theses from TRU students.
• Secwepemc Resources: Secwepemc history and Secwepemctsìn language resources.
• Institutional History and Documents: resources from TRU’s 50 year history, including photos, brochures, and reports.
• TRU Created and Adapted OERs: Open Educational Resources written and adapted by TRU faculty.
Browse through the collections to find more unique and fascinating resources!
Submitting to TRUSpace. Submitting your work to TRUSpace to be available Open Access is easy and has many benefits. For example, many grants require that final research be made available OA, and OA articles can be downloaded and read by anyone, increasing the reach of the work. Note that some journals permit researchers to deposit only certain versions of an article to an institutional repository or require a wait period or embargo before the article can be made OA.
Researchers who wish to deposit a research paper, book chapter, OER, or other type of work can send the item along with the TRUSpace non-exclusive license form to
Students who have completed a graduate thesis can submit their work through their program coordinator. Other student work may be submitted to TRUSpace with the approval of a faculty supervisor.
Where can I learn more? Visit the TRUSpace guide for more details about submissions and what is in TRUSpace.
Contact the scholarly communications librarian if you have any questions: Erin May.