Posted on: August 4, 2023

Two new librarians recently joined TRU Library as Research and Instruction Librarians in two-year limited term positions.
Stirling Prentice began as a Research and Instruction Librarian on April 3, 2023 with a contract until March 31, 2025. He has a Master of Library and Information Science (University of Western Ontario, 2009), Master of Arts in English Language and Literature (University of Windsor, 2006), and a Bachelor of Arts in History and English Literature (Wilfred Laurier University, 2003). He has worked as the Manager of Discovery and Support Services at TNRD Library; Coordinator Technology Services at Ottawa Public Library; Systems Library at Ottawa Public Library; Digital Literacy Librarian at Ottawa Public Library; Data Support Librarian at the National Research Council (CISTI); and Librarian at the Defense R&D Canada. Stirling has over 10 years of experience running workshops and providing instruction in a variety of settings. He also has many years of experience implementing and supporting library technology.
Stephanie Brown began as a Research and Instruction Librarian on July 15, 2023 with a contract until July 14, 2025. She has a Master of Library and Information Studies (University of Alberta, 2022), Master of Arts in English Language (University of Alberta, 2018), and a Bachelor of Arts in English and History (University of Alberta, 2014). She has worked as the Coordinator Digital Collections in the Inuvialuit Digital Library at the University Alberta; Library Assistant at the Leduc Public Library; and Research/Editorial Assistant at English Studies in Canada at the University Alberta.