Posted on: February 26, 2021

The 9th annual Open Education Week (OE Week) (1-5 March 2021) is approaching! This is a week to raise awareness and highlight Open Education, which includes open educational resources, open pedagogy/practices, and open research practices. It’s a chance to learn more about open educational and be inspired by the work that is being developed. While this is an international event, we have some events that highlight what’s happening at TRU, as well as a couple of events being organized through BCcampus that we thought might be of interest.
Organized by the Open Education Working Group and the Open Education Librarian, join us for some sessions about open education, including:
Monday, 1 March
- 11-12: Introduction to H5P:
- 12:30-1:30: Wicked Problems and Open Remedies: A Student-Centred Approach: (free BCcampus/BCOEL event, and registration is required)
- 2-3: TRU Open Textbook Showcase:
Tuesday, 2 March
- 11-12: Are We the Product? Redux: Notes from the Future:
Wednesday, 3 March
- 11-12: Getting Started: Finding, Using, and Adapting Open Resources:
- 1-2: Open Approaches to Knowledge Mobilization: Podcasting, Blogging, and Online Research Communities:
Thursday, 4 March
- 11-12: Open in the North: A Showcase of Open Educational Practices in Northern B.C. (free BCcampus event, and registration is required)
- 2-3: Z is for Zero: ZTC Pathways at TRU:
Friday, 5 March
- 2-3: OER: More than Open Textbooks Showcase: