TRU Library Remembers


  Posted on: November 3, 2014

The TRU Library is commemorating Remembrance Day with two displays this year, featuring material from two parts of our collection. The Main Library entrance way will see a return of our Aboriginal Veterans display, honoring Secwepemc veterans from WWI, WWII, and the Korean War and showcasing a variety of resources about the often unrecognized role…

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Career Opportunity: Access and User Services Librarian

  Posted on: October 22, 2014

Access and User Services Librarian The Access and User Services Librarian leads two complementary units within the library that focus on:  Borrower Services (circulation, reserves, stacks maintenance, small equipment loans) and Reference Services (face-to-face, synchronous and asynchronous).  The Access and User Services Librarian will lead a team of 6 circulation staff, 13 reference staff, and…

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Finding journals – a more simplified way!

  Posted on: October 16, 2014

We are in the midst of changing how we organize our journal information – about half way through the project to be exact.  We are moving all of our print and online journal information from being within the library’s catalogue to being listed in the “A–Z Journal List” tab from the library’s homepage. Moving 40,000…

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Open Access and Faculty Teaching & Research

  Posted on: October 14, 2014

For the 3rd year in a row, TRU Library is recognizing Open Access Week, a global event that runs October 20-26 promoting Open Access as a new norm in scholarship and research. The past two years we’ve brought in guest speakers to lead discussions about the growing importance of the Open Access movement; this year…

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TRU Library Textbook Purchase Policy

  Posted on: September 30, 2014

As of October 2014, TRU Library will no longer purchase textbooks or add donated textbooks to the library’s collections. A faculty member may choose to place a personal copy of a textbook on course reserve for a specific course. In that case, the textbook will be returned to the instructor at the end of the…

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Borrow Books for Longer Periods of Time

  Posted on: August 28, 2014

Effective September 2014, TRU Library will be updating its lending policies to enable maximum, yet equitable, use of the Library’s collections.  This will mean longer loan periods, offset by the ability to “recall” checked-out items. New loan periods for on-campus library users Standard loan lengths for on-campus undergraduate students borrowing books, software, government documents, pamphlets,…

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New Remote Access Usernames

  Posted on: August 6, 2014

Effective August 11, all student systems will use TRU-ID as the login name.  You will need to use this new ID number to login to library resources from off-campus. Returning students/faculty: Your username will be your new TRU-ID (T followed by eight digits). Your Library PIN remains unchanged. New students/faculty: Your username is your TRU-ID…

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Borrow Books for Longer Periods of Time – This Fall!

  Posted on: July 25, 2014

Effective September, 2014, the TRU Library will be updating its lending policies to enable maximum yet equitable use of the Library’s collections.  This will mean longer loan periods, offset by the ability to “recall” checked-out items. New loan periods for on-campus library users Standard loan lengths for on-campus undergraduate students borrowing books, software, government documents,…

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Introducing Email Post to Web

  Posted on: July 8, 2014

Since the change to Canada’s copyright law in 2012, the TRU Library has been able to send your interlibrary loan (ILL) articles directly to  you electronically. On the advice of the Intellectual Property Office, the TRU Library is making some changes to our electronic delivery method for articles. We will now be delivering ILL articles…

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Library systems upgrade

  Posted on: July 8, 2014

The TRU Library catalogue, circulation system (i.e., renewals, place holds), and interlibrary loan requests will be unavailable from 9pm (Pacific Time) on Wednesday, July 9th until 8am on Thursday, July 10th due to a systems upgrade. You can still access the library’s Discovery tool and article databases during this period. Thank you for your patience.

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