“Just Google it”: Algorithms of Oppression streamed lecture

Google logo

  Posted on: November 27, 2015

TRU Library is very pleased to announce that the BC Research Libraries Group Speaker Series has partnered with Douglas College to livestream, record, and archive an upcoming talk by Dr. Safiya Noble to expand access to the event to all of BC. Dr. Noble’s research is of interest to a broad audience outside of the…

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Kamloops Campus & Williams Lake Libraries Exam Study Hours

  Posted on: November 18, 2015

Both the Main and House of Learning libraries will be open for study until midnight starting December 9 – December 21, 2015. Midnight hours at both branch libraries will provide students with equitable access to the library’s physical collections and will enable students to use the Library’s full study space. Main Library Reference (basic assistance…

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Stress Relief (and Bubble Wrap) is on the Way!

We are all mature until somebody brings out some bubble wrap

  Posted on: November 12, 2015

Starting Tuesday December 1, the TRU Library is once again setting up a “Stress-Free Zone” (#SFZ) for final exams. The #SFZ will run December 1 – 22 on the first floor of the House of Learning. Students will be able to sit and play a variety of board games, colour, do puzzles, build a Lego…

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Trouble accessing library resources from off-campus?

Alert notification

  Posted on: October 15, 2015

The library has performed necessary upgrades on our proxy server.  The proxy server allows off campus users to access library resources.   Most users should not encounter any problems, but a few people have reported minor issues.   If you do have a problem logging in to our site from off campus the problem can usually be…

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Long Night Against Procrastination – Nov. 5th

  Posted on: October 15, 2015

Nov 5th from 8:00pm to 8:00am in the Main Library. Taking a writing-intensive course? Major final research essays due in November?  Don’t pull a stressed-out all-nighter on your own the last week of classes; join a campus community of writers and academic support services at the Long Night Against Procrastination and stay up late together,…

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Author talk: Ramona Materi

Ramona Materi

  Posted on: September 14, 2015

TRU Library is pleased to co-sponsor an author talk with the TNRD Library System, and bring Ramona Materi, President of Ingenia Consulting to Kamloops. Materi has drawn on her experience as a consultant in BC’s North to provide a current, practical, and detailed guide to business opportunities in the region. Her book, British Columbia’s New…

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New Law Librarian – Mandy Ostick

legal research

  Posted on: September 8, 2015

TRU Library is pleased to announce that Mandy Ostick has joined our team as the Law Librarian, replacing Mary Hemmings who is on leave until December 2015. Mandy brings 15+ years of legal research expertise to TRU and will serve students and faculty primarily in the Law Library. Mandy is skilled at identifying and implementing…

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Lights, Camera…. ACTION!

  Posted on: June 24, 2015

TRU Library now lends small handheld audio-visual equipment on a first-come, first-served basis. You must bring your Campus ID card to borrow equipment. Our AV equipment includes: Tripods Cameras (Video and Still image cameras) Speaker phone Digital Recorders Audio-visual equipment is only available at the Main Library at the Kamloops Campus during regular library operating…

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TRU Library collaborates on Newspaper Digitization Project

  Posted on: May 1, 2015

TRU Library is pleased to announce the launch of a new, local, digital newspaper archive called “Newshound” which provides access to the region’s newspapers via an online searchable database. You can access the collection at http://arch.tnrdlib.ca/ . This online archive will provide 24/7, searchable access to historic local and regional newspapers.  While the collection is…

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RefWorks Accounts Migrating to US Servers in June 2015

  Posted on: March 16, 2015

This is an important message for TRU Library RefWorks users. As of June 2015, the Canadian version of RefWorks will cease to exist, because the Canadian server that hosts RefWorks is no longer available.  Having your username, email address and citations stored on a US server means that your account information will be subject to…

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