Posted on: September 11, 2013

The Harvard Business Review (HBR) has recently made changes to its licensing provisions. Although there has always been a statement saying that you could not place HBR articles into e-reserves (i.e., Blackboard, Moodle, and online library reserves systems), the publisher has now taken technical steps to prevent this and is actively looking for infringements.
In addition, the publisher has determined that 500 highly used HBR articles will be read-only effective August 2013. These articles can still be viewed via Business Source Complete, but they cannot be linked to, downloaded, emailed, or printed. The TRU Library still maintains a print subscription to HBR.
Please remove any persistent links (i.e., in Moodle, Blackboard, or on course syllabi) and refrain from adding any additional persistent links to HBR articles. You may provide citations to HBR articles, but you must refer students to access the articles directly via the TRU Library. The library has a guide on how to locate articles from a citation (Check out “Following the Citation Trail” at: ). This guide is in the process of being updated to reflect how to locate articles via Summon.
We are unhappy about how this change impacts faculty and students. We are working with our consortial partners to see if there is a means to provide expanded rights to HBR content.
If you have any questions, please contact Penny Haggarty, Collection Services Librarian at for campus courses or Brenda Smith, Distance and Document Delivery Librarian at for Open Learning courses.