Posted on: October 16, 2020

International Open Access Week is next week, October 19-25. This is a week dedicated to learning about Open Access (OA) publishing and finding OA research.
What is Open Access? OA resources are freely available online, with no paywalls or legal concerns. If you have ever come across an article that requires a steep fee to read, you already know why OA is important!
TRU Library supports Open Access; join us for some online librarian-led sessions about OA this week.
- October 19, 10:00 AM: Publishing Open Access: Information for Faculty. Learn ways to find the right OA journal for your research.
- October 20, 2:00 PM: Introduction to Open Access. This session is open to anyone, including those not at TRU! Learn the basics of Open Access and how to find OA resources.
- October 21, 10:30 AM: Adopting, Adapting, or Creating OER: A Showcase of What’s Happening at TRU. OERs are related to OA, as they support open access to information. Join this session to hear about how OERs are used at TRU.
- October 22, 11:00 AM: Getting Started: Finding, Using, and Adapting Open Resources. Learn tips and techniques on how to find OERs and integrate them into your courses.