Posted on: March 9, 2015

International Days are here again, and so is the TRU Library’s third annual “Living Library” project! Based on the Human Library started fifteen years ago in Copenhagen, the Living Library allows you to “borrow” a human “book.” The idea is that by listening to other people’s stories and hearing about the world from their unique points of view, we facilitate intercultural dialogue, challenge stereotypes, and promote understanding.
This year, our “books” include a philosopher, a First Nations educator, an MEd student with extensive experience teaching in Europe and the Middle East, and an intercultural traveler from Taiwan. Join us on March 12 from 9-12, on Student Street in OM (next to Starbucks), and “borrow” a book that interests you for a 20-minute conversation. There are a limited number of “loans” available, so show up early to get your first choice!