Posted on: February 3, 2015

By Monadawson (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
![By Monadawson (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.](
By Monadawson (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Intended for any student facing their first major essay assignments, “Kick Start Your Research” participants will spend Tuesday February 17 getting ahead on at least one major research paper – and avoid spending all of Reading Week worrying about it. The day will include a series of mini-workshops to help develop an essay, lots of hands-on time with Library and Writing Centre help, plus a free lunch. Students will:
- search the academic literature for paper ideas
- develop a thesis and plan an outline for their paper
- search for scholarly sources to support their arguments
- get tips on effective reading strategies, citation, properly formatting an academic paper in Word, RefWorks, and more
- leave confident about the next steps required to write a first draft – well before the due date!
Space is limited, and registration is required and closes at noon on Friday February 13. Students can register online through the library’s workshop calendar.
For more information:
Elizabeth Rennie, MLS
Instruction & Outreach Librarian
Thompson Rivers University Library
T: 250-371-5775