Posted on: November 21, 2014

Starting Monday November 24, the TRU Library is once again setting up a “Stress-Free Zone” (#SFZ) for final exams. The #SFZ will run November 24 – December 12 on the first floor of the House of Learning. It’s a place for students to take a break from studying, refresh their minds, and have a bit of fun — while leaving the rest of the building for quiet study.
Students will be able to sit and play a variety of board games, colour, do puzzles, knit and do other crafts, build a Lego creation, and grab a healthy snack.
The project is a joint venture between the Library, IT Client Services, Counselling Services, and the Wellness Centre, all of whom wish students the best of luck during finals, and a safe and relaxing holiday break.
And watch for other stress-busting activities elsewhere around campus, too; November 27, December 4 and December 11 students will find the Wellness Centre’s Therapy Thursdays: For the Love of Dogs program set up in Old Main.