Posted on: October 14, 2014

For the 3rd year in a row, TRU Library is recognizing Open Access Week, a global event that runs October 20-26 promoting Open Access as a new norm in scholarship and research. The past two years we’ve brought in guest speakers to lead discussions about the growing importance of the Open Access movement; this year we’re offering more practical workshops that focus on ways in which Open Access issues impact the regular research and teaching practices of faculty.
On Tuesday, librarians Penny Haggarty and Brenda Smith will share some tips on what to consider before committing to publish in an Open Access journal, and how to determine whether those journal solicitation emails we all receive are legitimate or not (hint: is there a wealthy foreign prince involved?)
On Wednesday, Brian Lamb (Director of Innovation) will address some of the conflicts and tensions within the open education movement in his lecture “Agency and Algorithms.” This presentation will frame a more theoretical discussion to round out our Open Access Week events; it will also serve to kick off the Library’s second “Research Across the Disciplines” lecture series.
On Thursday, Brian Lamb (Director of Innovation) will discuss Open Educational Resources (OERs), showing faculty how to find and incorporate openly-licensed digital learning resources into their teaching practice; attendees will be able to follow along and find resources of their own.
A schedule of events can be found at; all talks and workshops will be held at the Main Library, and are open to any and all interested faculty, staff, students, and community members. We hope that you’re able to open your schedules to join us for these important discussions about Open Access.
For more information:
Elizabeth Rennie
t: 250-371-5775