Posted on: August 28, 2014

Effective September 2014, TRU Library will be updating its lending policies to enable maximum, yet equitable, use of the Library’s collections. This will mean longer loan periods, offset by the ability to “recall” checked-out items.
New loan periods for on-campus library users
Standard loan lengths for on-campus undergraduate students borrowing books, software, government documents, pamphlets, audio CDs and cassettes will jump from 2 to 6 weeks with a maximum of 4 renewals, and for on-campus graduate students, faculty and staff, from 6 weeks to a semester loan, with a maximum of 2 renewals. Due dates for semester loans will be near the end of the academic semester in which a library item was borrowed, unless recalled.
New loan periods for distance library users
Standard loan lengths for distance, regional, and open learning students borrowing books, software, government documents, pamphlets, audio CDs and cassettes will jump from 4 to 8 weeks with 2 renewals, and graduate students, faculty and staff, from 4 weeks to a semester loan with 2 renewals. due dates for semester loans will be near the end of the academic semester in which a library items was borrowed, unless recalled.
To facilitate access, all library users will be able to “recall” items already checked-out. Loans will be guaranteed for 7 days (10 days for distance patrons), but thereafter, recalled items will be due back at the Library within 4 days (7 days for distance patrons). Automated recall notices will be emailed to users’ TRU email accounts only and to encourage prompt return of recalled items, fines for late recalled returns will be levied at $2 per day per late recalled item.
For more information, please contact:
Christina Nilsen, Borrower and Data Services Librarian
p: 250-852-7287